The Evil Stepmother

Family Background
Paul Leonard Baker was born June 29, 1983 to James Arthur Baker, Jr. and Lynda Solorzano.  His parents divorced in the mid 1980’s after James Baker, Jr. had an affair with the couple’s babysitter, Susan Elizabeth Shirley.  Lynda Solorzano moved out with Paul and his sister, Nina, not long after starting the divorce proceedings.  However, due to Lynda Solorzano’s financial situation and not having the ability to properly care for her children the judge who finalized the divorce gave custody of the children, Paul and Nina, to James Baker, Jr.  After getting full custody of his children, Baker married Susan Elizabeth Shirley in August of 1986 and they purchased a home in Shell Point, Beaufort County, South Carolina.  James A. Baker, Jr. was a sergeant at the Marine Corps Air Station and Susan Shirley, now Susan Baker, stayed home with Paul and his sister Nina.   

Case History
Three year old Paul Leonard Baker was last seen on March 5, 1987 by his stepmother, Susan Elizabeth Baker.  Susan stated that she had put Paul down for a nap around 11:00AM and according to her, while under the influence of different substances, she fell asleep.  After waking up between 12:30PM and 1:30PM, she claims that she called her husband.

James Baker, Jr. claimed that the Marine Corps Air Station’s family services contacted him to tell him that a woman had called saying that Paul was okay and she had him.  Afterwards, is when Paul Baker was discovered missing.  James Baker, Jr. initially blamed his ex-wife, Lynda Solorzano, for making the phone call and for taking Paul.  However, investigators determined that she was not involved as she was not even in the state at the time of Paul’s disappearance.  

Investigators interrogated both James and Susan Baker.  When first interviewed, James Baker, Jr. stated that both Paul and Nina were cruelly punished by his wife, Susan.  He even suggested that his wife could have killed Paul and used Battery Creek to get rid of his body.  He even stated that his other child, Nina, could be in danger in Susan’s care.  However, the next day, James Baker, Jr., changed his story, recanting the incriminating statements against his wife, Susan.  Both Susan and James were given polygraph tests.  James Baker, Jr. failed his polygraph test and Susan Baker’s polygraph results were inconclusive.  Although Susan did admit, while being interrogated, that she did not like caring for Paul and Nina and no longer wanted to do it.

Due to the previous statements James Baker, Jr. had made regarding his wife’s treatment of his children, he was asked to voluntarily give up custody of his daughter, Nina, to the Department of Social Services, which he agreed to do.  On March 23, 1987, Nina Baker was taken into DSS custody.  From there, she was taken to the naval hospital and examined.  That examination brought to light the torment that Nina, and most likely little Paul, had gone through.  The examination of Nina showed that she had broken bones that were untreated and infected ulcers on her back from where she had been whipped.  

While in DSS custody, Nina claimed her stepmother had beaten her with a stick and would make her stay in a closet for long periods of time.  Nina also verified that Paul had also been abused by Susan.  Nina stated that her stepmother would whip Paul for wetting the bed and make him stand in the corner for hours.  Nina Baker was also questioned about what she remembered from the day of Paul’s disappearance.  She stated that she couldn’t remember seeing her brother or hearing his voice at all the day he disappeared.  When she had come home from school that day, around 11:00AM, Susan Baker had told her that Paul was feeling better, as he had been ill for a few days prior, and was playing outside in the backyard.  Not long after, Nina did hear her stepmother telling Paul to come inside as it was time for his nap.  Nina also fell asleep.  When she woke up, Susan Baker told her that Paul was missing. 
Once there was proof that Nina had been brutalized, Susan Elizabeth Baker was arrested on March 23, 1987, the same day that Nina Baker was removed from the home.  She was charged with Assault and Battery with the Intent to Kill for what she had done to Nina Baker.  She was eventually convicted of the lesser charge, Assault and Battery of a High and Aggravated Nature.  Her sentence was 10 years, however, she ended up only serving 80 days and was placed on probation for five years.

Florida/South Carolina 1999-2000
In 1999, a former cell mate of Susan Baker came forward claiming that Susan had confessed to her what happened the day three year old Paul Baker disappeared.  The former cell mate claimed that Paul died after being severely beaten by James Baker, Jr., and he was buried in a neighbor’s backyard.  Although the former cell mate’s statement has never been authenticated, it was enough to reopen the case in 1999, which led to James Baker, Jr., being discharged from the military.

In 2000, after James and Susan Baker had moved to Florida, they were both extradited from Florida to South Carolina regarding the disappearance of Paul Baker in 1987.  The Bakers were charged with Assault and Battery of a High and Aggravated Nature.  A grand jury refused to indict them on that charge; however, Susan Baker was indicted for child neglect.  In the end, it was decided not to pursue the charge of child neglect against Susan Baker and the charge was dropped.  The Bakers returned to Florida.

Florida 2009-2010
On November 1, 2009, 7 month old Shannon Lea Dedrick was reported missing by her parents, Chrystina Mercer and Rusty Dedrick, around 11:00AM.  According to the parents, they last saw their daughter around 3AM that day.  Within two days, investigators stated that they had a “person of interest” in the case.   

The “person of interest” turned out to be the babysitter who often babysat baby Shannon.  That babysitter was Susan Elizabeth Baker, who was the stepsister of Rusty Dedrick.  During the investigation into baby Shannon’s disappearance, the Florida Department of Children and Families released an email, reportedly sent by Susan Baker in August which said, “That baby needs help and no one is helping her.”  Baker also claimed that Rusty Dedrick shook baby Shannon and that he and the baby’s mother, Chrystina Mercer, both used drugs.  

Investigators searched the home of Susan Baker and after five days of searching for Shannon Lea Dedrick, they found her under the bed of Susan Baker, in a cedar box that was 2ft by 3ft.  Inside that box was clothing to muffle any sounds the baby would make and baking power to hide the scent of soiled diapers.  However, investigators did state that baby Shannon appeared healthy when she was found.

Apparently, a week before Shannon’s disappearance Susan Baker had asked Mercer if she could have permanent custody of baby Shannon.  Obviously agreeing to the idea, Chrystina Mercer dropped off baby Shannon to Susan Baker early Saturday, then reported her missing 10 hours later.  

Chrystina Mercer, among several other charges, was charged with Interference of Child Custody and Desertion of a Child.  Susan Baker was charged with Child Neglect with Aggravated Circumstances and Interference with Child Custody.  In the end, Chrystina Mercer was sentenced to a year in jail, while Susan Baker was sentenced to 25 years.  

Present Day

As of today, March 29, 2020, little Paul Leonard Baker, who was only three years old when he disappeared, is still missing, but mostly likely deceased.

Nina Baker went to live with her mother, Lynda in 1992 after spending time in foster care and living with her maternal grandmother for a time.  She saw her father a few times over the years, but to this day, she still remains estranged from him.  Nina Baker, now Hernandez, has a family of her own and is a nurse and has come to accept that she will likely never know what happened to her brother, Paul.

James Arthur Baker, Jr. divorced Susan Baker at some point and seems to still reside in Florida.  I was unable to find any additional information on him. 
Susan Baker, 61, is currently incarcerated at the Lowell Annex in Gainesville, Florida.  Her expected release is January 29, 2032.  She will be 72.


In this case, I believe Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office did what they could to find Paul Baker.  The area of Shell Point, in Beaufort County, is surrounded by water and swamp from what I could tell from Google Maps.  If Paul Baker’s body was disposed of there, it is probable he will never be found.  However, there is the statement of Susan Baker’s former cell mate which she claimed Susan told her Paul was buried in their neighbor’s backyard so there is hope that one day his body might be recovered. 

If there is any question as to what I believe, let me clear it up for you.  I absolutely believe that Susan Baker had something to do with the disappearance of her former stepson, Paul Baker.  She admitted that she did not like caring for Paul or his sister Nina and that she no longer wanted to do it.  My theory/opinion is that Paul Baker did something that normal children do, but because of her dislike for him, Susan Baker became enraged.  She ended up doing what she normally did and that was harshly punishing him, but this time, Susan could not control herself.  She caused his death and covered it up.  It should be mentioned that according to my research, that on March 24, 1987, a search was done of the Baker home.  Blood spatter was found and was sent off, but there seems to be a question of what has happened to it since then.  Was that Paul Baker’s blood?

I also think that James Arthur Baker, Jr., Paul’s father, played a part in what happened to his son.  He seems to have allowed Susan Baker to treat his children however she liked and never stepped in to protect them.  Is it possible he didn’t know about the abuse?  With the injuries that Nina reportedly suffered and the pain she was likely in, I doubt it.  Also, his first statements to police after Paul went missing prove that he knew about it.  He specifically said that his daughter was in danger and Susan harshly punished the children, but changed his story the next day.  I don’t think he murdered his son.  I do think that it is probable he helped cover it up.  James Baker, Jr. made no effort to report Susan Baker for what she was doing to his children so I think it would be no different if she killed one of them.  And the fact that James Baker, Jr. changed his statements regarding his then wife, Susan Baker, the day after stating she probably did kill Paul, I think proves that Susan Baker had some sort of hold over James Baker, Jr.  Whatever she used to keep him from reporting her abuse, is the same thing she probably used to get him to help her dispose of Paul’s body.

Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office is still investigating the case.  Their only “person of interest” is Susan Baker and they believe she is responsible for whatever happened to Paul Baker, but right now they are unable to prove it. 




  1. I am not sure why they didn't search the neighbor's yard. They may have and I just wasn't able to find any record of it.

  2. I agree 100% of what you say in your Opinion.
    If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is 99.9999% of the time a duck.
    Susan Baker is a duck. And I believe she did it.
    Too many things against her to believe otherwise.


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