The Lost Boys

This case isn’t from my hometown, but it is from a place I call home. It peaked my inter est the first time I ever heard about it. Of course, this first version of the story was 3 young boys went missing by the Airport and were never found. I started trying to research the story and came up with nothing. I started to think it was just a “ghost story”. When I heard about the case again, I received some clarity. It was two boys that went missing, were eventually found murdered and the case was never solved. This second time I heard the story, it was from my Aunt-in-Law. As it turns out, I happened to marry into a family that had a close connection to one of the boys who died. See if you can follow along. One of the boys was the uncle of my husband’s aunt’s husband. With that information, and with an impending research paper due in one of my classes, I started my research again. Walterboro, South C...